Teacher Brandon joins us as an accomplished debate coach. He and has a long record of coaching debaters. Let's get to know him more!

Can you introduce yourself?
My name is Brandon. I have been teaching since 2016. My first teaching job was at Hofstra University, I was the assistant forensics coach there, while I was in graduate school. When I left Hofstra, I went to Cornell and acted as the speech director - teaching argumentation and debate. I also got a master’s in global development from Cornell. I have also been teaching online for both middle schoolers and high school students since the pandemic.
What are the highlights of your career?
Being the only coach at Cornell University, the speech team went from not placing ranks in tournaments to being in the top 11 of the country. Apart from coaching I also helped the university with hosting DEI workshops for other faculty/staff, union groups and corporate organizations.
What do you think is the most important value of debate?

Debate gives us one of the most powerful tools available to anyone which is the ability to see another person’s perspective. Debate allows you to take on the viewpoint of another side, and that is a skill and a tool that we are lacking in society.
Debate allows us to engage in dialogue, and while we can disagree on different issues, debate allows us to see that disagreements are okay.
How do you use debate in real life?
I have always seen speech and debate as a sport tied to advocacy in the real world. This is why I have always done both. I am the director of a non-profit organization called Tru Relief. Tru Relief aims to provide development training for other NGOs and international non-profit organizations. Making speech and debate actionable out in the world is what I do outside of teaching.
What do you like most about teaching at Logic Bird?
I like teaching at Logic Bird because there is a lot of structure. There are a lot of resources and supportive tools available to the staff. Everyone is also very responsive. For example, if you have questions about something, the staff provides you these Loom videos and multiple folders of resources. I have worked with other companies where you are just left alone on your own. Logic Bird is different because the company actively reaches out to support you.
The students are also very attentive, they have a lot of good ideas and contribute very well to the class. Their abilities at their age are simply impressive.

What do you do outside of debate?
The two biggest parts of my life are travel and performing. I have been to 27 different countries. I have lived in Ecuador for six months, but now I am currently living in Florida.